Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where Do I Fit?

BYU—home to 35,000 students; some of the brightest, most motivated, and most talented people in the world.

So where do I fit in?

It’s my second year here at Brigham Young University and I’m starting to realize one of the underlying reasons to why it is such a difficult school to go to…

In high school I was never Homecoming Queen, or voted best eyes; best dressed; or cutest couple. I didn’t date any of the “hot boys” that all the girls wanted. But I still had a few things going for me; I was smart and got great grades, and I had a quirky fun-loving personality that made me stand out against the crowd. I wasn’t afraid to be myself and do what I love to do because I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. It was personality that got me through the rough days of high school. As for college…it’s a whole new story!

Here at BYU there are so many people; there is always someone skinnier than you, prettier than you, smarter than you, more talented than you, and to top it off they all have your fun-loving personality too. I’m no longer the front runner in any category.

This reality has made things difficult for me and I’ve had a rough time making friends and being social…that’s when something a good friend of mine told me hit me on the head with the force of a freight train.

“Those who love themselves are the ones who are capable of anything in this world.”

I grabbed on to this idea with all my might. It is now written as a note on my desktop as well as a note hanging on my wall; it will be a constant reminder to remember who I am and that I matter. Because when you believe you matter, you change the world.

I know I have hard times up ahead as I lose the one constant thing in my life and as I continue to watch friends get engaged, married, and move on with their lives. But I’m determined to change my point of view; I want to be capable of anything, so I will love myself and let nothing else get in the way. I will no longer allow myself to worry that others are better than me; I’m going to live my life with a new perspective.

As Dr. Seuss said, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Christian!

    I too would say that it is a culmination of probably all the things you mentioned...I think it is a lot easier to SAY we are going to love ourselves than actually DOING it. I've come to find though that it starts with saying you will. Now that I've committed to portraying that person I hope the practice will teach me to actually be that person.

    Thanks for your thoughts they are always so insightful.

