Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where Do I Fit?

BYU—home to 35,000 students; some of the brightest, most motivated, and most talented people in the world.

So where do I fit in?

It’s my second year here at Brigham Young University and I’m starting to realize one of the underlying reasons to why it is such a difficult school to go to…

In high school I was never Homecoming Queen, or voted best eyes; best dressed; or cutest couple. I didn’t date any of the “hot boys” that all the girls wanted. But I still had a few things going for me; I was smart and got great grades, and I had a quirky fun-loving personality that made me stand out against the crowd. I wasn’t afraid to be myself and do what I love to do because I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. It was personality that got me through the rough days of high school. As for college…it’s a whole new story!

Here at BYU there are so many people; there is always someone skinnier than you, prettier than you, smarter than you, more talented than you, and to top it off they all have your fun-loving personality too. I’m no longer the front runner in any category.

This reality has made things difficult for me and I’ve had a rough time making friends and being social…that’s when something a good friend of mine told me hit me on the head with the force of a freight train.

“Those who love themselves are the ones who are capable of anything in this world.”

I grabbed on to this idea with all my might. It is now written as a note on my desktop as well as a note hanging on my wall; it will be a constant reminder to remember who I am and that I matter. Because when you believe you matter, you change the world.

I know I have hard times up ahead as I lose the one constant thing in my life and as I continue to watch friends get engaged, married, and move on with their lives. But I’m determined to change my point of view; I want to be capable of anything, so I will love myself and let nothing else get in the way. I will no longer allow myself to worry that others are better than me; I’m going to live my life with a new perspective.

As Dr. Seuss said, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”